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Why Is It Important to Make an Accessible Application?


read in Design, Growth

Why is it important to make an accessible application and how can one be created? Learn more about accessible applications here.

Did you know that around 15% of the human population belongs to a differently-abled community?

That is a large part of consumers who are not being catered to. Despite globalization efforts, accessible applications are rare gems in the digital marketplace. 

Are you interested in application development? Read our article to find out why it’s important to make an accessible application that every user can engage with.

Loyal Clients Will Appreciate Your Ethos

Clients who are already familiar with your line of products and services will appreciate your company’s decision to create an accessible application. Evolving a development attitude geared towards accessibility is an attractive quality to have.

Conscious consumers tend me loyal once they find a retailer or developer who shares their same goals or mindset. Share your ethos on your website!

Clients looking for long-term partnerships often do an extensive amount of research before they land on your page.

Integrating accessibility into your application from the start is a great idea. It can help reassure prospective clients that they are making the right choice by supporting your brand.

Your Website Will Be Inclusive to a Variety of Customers

Speaking of customers, accessible applications can open the doors to a new set of clientele. Who will download your app next?

You will attract a variety of customers to your application’s accessible design. They will be tempted to download your application due to its ease of use.

Customers that once were unable to enjoy your content are now able to consume your content like everyone else!

Inclusivity is a trait of growing importance in our digital world. Our world is becoming more globalized. Enjoy the benefits of attracting international clients with your app’s new features.

Customers all over the world will be able to share your accessible application with their differently-abled peers as well!

Create a Seamless Experience for Every User to Enjoy

Integrating accessibility into your application doesn’t only benefit your differently-abled consumers.

Creating an accessible mobile application design generates a seamless user experience for everyone!

Accessible features are for the benefit of everyone regardless of their strengths or weaknesses. Everyone can appreciate a seamless user experience.

The tools that you will be working with to develop a new accessible application can be of practical use to your target demographic.

Search engines like Google use data analytics to rank seamless website designs. Enjoy the benefits of increased traffic to your app’s website!

Advertising Your Accessibility When Promoting Your Application

Marketing campaigns that run on social media host sites like Pinterest are a great strategy to have.

Apps that cater to a unique niche with specific concerns need special strategies.

On host sites like these, you can advertise your application’s accessibility with ease. Social media sites sway advertisements to profiles that register under your target demographic.

Enjoy the challenge of catering your brand towards the differently-abled in a creative way! A way that is true to your brand’s ethos and mission!

Promoting your accessible app helps bring awareness to the benefits of accessibility integration.

Increase User Engagement Within Your Accessible Application

Once you have launched your accessible application, pay close attention to user feedback and reviews.

User feedback will be the key to perfecting your accessibility protocols and guidelines. There are a wide variety of impairments and abilities. It’s important to hear what your differently-abled clientele has to say.

Of course, many of the initial kinks can change with preliminary mobile application testing. In fact, initial user testing will be a huge part of your accessible mobile application’s success.

Make sure you reach out to a diverse array of app testers so that you get well-rounded feedback reports. This is a major key in developing a successful accessible application.

Adding Depth to Your Content and Landing Pages

Traditional website designs and applications can follow cookie-cutter protocols and templates. Creating an accessible website and application adds depth to your content.

Why is it important to have a landing page with depth? The answer is simple. You never know who is going to come across your page. 

Potential investors can stop by our landing page at any time to see if your product or service is worth their time and money. 

Be ahead of the game by creating an attractive and accessible landing page for your prospective clients and investors to engage with.

Accessible SEO: Increase Organic Traffic

How will differently-abled consumers find out about your business and services? If your targeted advertisements don’t spread the word about your accessible application then a search engine will.

SEO, or search engine optimization, can help lead consumers to the landing page for your accessible application.

By utilizing the keywords and phrases that prospective clients are likely to type into a search engine, you can predict the traffic that is heading your way.

SEO strategies don’t have to be confusing. Here are a few keywords to begin integrating into your SEO strategy: 

  • Accessible
  • Accessibility
  • Differently-abled
  • Neurodivergent
  • Inclusivity
  • Inclusive

Do these keywords look familiar? That’s because they have been integrated into this article to attract consumers and developers! They are geared toward those who are hoping to engage with accessible applications.

You can follow a similar SEO strategy to attract a differently-abled community as well! SEO strategies for an application’s landing page can boost your organic traffic levels to new highs.

Serving the Differently-Abled Community

Differently-abled people come from a variety of backgrounds, impairments, and interests.

Serving this target audience can provide access to a group of people who may not have any other options.

When serving the impaired community, make sure that your application’s controls can be remotely accessed. Many clients rely on their remote technology communication devices. 

Serving the Visually Impaired Community

Visually impaired communities can rely on a significant of voice-controlled applications. Apps like these include Siri on Apple iOS devices.

Integrating voice control into your app can help ease visually impaired clients. It makes it easier for them to learn how your application functions.

Another design tip is to increase the size of your font. Tiny font sizes can be annoying to clients who are hard of seeing.

Complicated font styles can be dizzying to visually-impaired communities as well so choose your fonts with care!

Make sure you provide zoom options for everyone to use. iOS devices allow users to change their screens. A built-in zooming function is an attractive feature to have as well.

Serving the Auditory Impaired Community

If your prospective client is hard of hearing then they will appreciate volume control settings as well as speech-to-text options.

Does your application rely on video or podcasts? Make sure to enable captions and subtitles to cater to the auditory-impaired community as well.

You could even take it a step further by integrating left and right ear noise isolation for consumers who are deaf or almost deaf in one ear. 

Going the extra mile for specific impairments like this translates to loyal and new consumers alike.

Raising Awareness About Neurodivergence

Your accessible application (and any related advertisements) are raising awareness about differently-abled communities. These communities include people who were born neurodivergent.

What is neuordivergence anyway? Someone who are neurodivergent experiences the world differently than a “normal” person.

Nueodivergence is a wide spectrum that includes people diagnosed with ADHD, Autism, and bipolar disorder.

Mental differentiation may not be obvious on the exterior of a person. However, they are real in their everyday lived experiences.

Welcome Customers With Learning Impairments

Like neurodivergent individuals, those with a learning impairment are suffering an internal battle. Since this impairment can oftentimes not be seen or heard, many producers forget to cater their services to them.

Learning impairments like dyslexia make it difficult for consumers to read or keep a focused train of thought.

Utilizing bright color palettes speaks to the psychology of the human brain. Using directional graphics, such as arrows, is a great way to make individuals with learning impairments feel included.

Accessible Application: It’s the Right Thing to Do

By now you have become aware of all of the positive benefits of creating an accessible application.

There are, of course, financial gains to be made by catering your product or service to a new group of clientele.

However, integrating accessibility into your mobile application is the right thing to do. You will be helping a multitude of people access to content that before could not.

Differently-abled people are often forgotten about. “Normal” people take their abilities for granted.

Generating awareness about your application and its accessibility is one way to do some good in the digital and physical world.

Filling in the Gaps of iOS and Android Accessibility

It’s true that Apple and Android mobile devices already provide accessibility settings to their users.

However, these iOS accessibility settings are not as customizable as yours could be.

The settings are generic. They are not customizable enough for differently-abled communities to be able to engage with content.

Your accessible app can provide these groups with the settings and customizations they need to enjoy an experience.

Obey Future Laws Ahead of Schedule

Accessibility features were once not a mandatory part of mobile and stationary devices like to have.

Differently-abled communities have gathered together. Now, their voices can be heard amongst the crowd.

Devices must maintain accessibility settings to engage with. What’s next on the accessibility front, you ask?

It’s uncertain, but, integrating accessibility features into your application now can put you ahead of the law, today!

Challenge Your App Development Team!

Does creating an accessible application sound like a challenge? Don’t worry, designing a successfully accessible application does not have to confuse.

Inspire your creative design team with this new paradigm of app development. There is a world of possibilities waiting to inspire your team. What will everyone come up with next?

Consider a wide range of features that all customers can find attractive. Integrating these features does not have to confuse you!

Enjoy brainstorming about what features are important for your accessible application to have. What features work in user testing trials? What feedback can the team apply to the next version of the app?

All these questions can help fuel the conversation about what kind of app your team is hoping to create.

Set Your Business Apart From the Competition

Chances are, your competitors are not yet thinking about all the benefits. of catering to differently-abled communities.

Integrating accessibility into your app sets you apart from the competition. It also shows your target audience that you are thinking about their needs.

Enjoy setting the standard that competitors will follow once they witness your success!

The most successful brands thrive due to their distinguishing factors. Every industry can enjoy greater accessibility to more communities.

Accessible applications are so rare. You can attract clients from around the world to see what your accessible app has to offer.

Are You Ready to Create an Accessible Application?

Congratulations! You are one of the few application enthusiasts who have taken the time to learn. Now you know why it’s important to make an accessible application.

What will you do with this new knowledge? Whatever development direction you choose to go, we are here to help. 

Feel free to contact us with any accessible application questions you may have. Tell us a little about your project and we’ll get back to you with how we can help!


Mobile Team

Delivering mobile applications that meet market demands and provide a great user experience is what we do for our clients

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