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How to Get Your Business App Featured In the Apple App Store

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Getting your app featured in the Apple app store can give you the exposure you need. Read this article to find out how to get featured.

Did you know that you can submit an App Store feature request directly to Apple? Their email is open to all Apple App Store Application developers.

New business apps are constantly being featured. Are you curious about how to get your business app featured in the Apple App Store? Read our article to find out what steps you need to take!

Cater to Your Target Audience

Your target audience refers to the group of individuals that your app attracts. Your niche is the reason why your app will gain success. Catering to your target audience can increase your popularity.

Popular apps have a higher chance of getting noticed by Apple professionals. Your target demographic will lead you in the right direction. Don’t get swayed by trends. Focus on the solutions that your app yields.

Research what problems your audience faces and mold your apps towards their solutions.

Catering to your target audience does not have to be confusing. Make incremental changes through your app’s updates. Over time, your audience will notice a difference.

What Are Your Popular Features?

Being aware of your popular features can help you get your business app featured on the Apple App Store. Popular features offer the Apple editorial team content. Make sure there are plenty of popular features from them to write about!

Survey your target audience to find out what your popular features are. Surveys can be prompted inside of your application. Integrating survey prompts inside of your app is a great idea. You can lead your audience to the app store marketplace.

When your customers reach the marketplace, they can leave a review. Apple App Store reviews will be reviewed by the editorial team that features your business app. Popular feature surveys can also be promoted on social media. Social media sites like Instagram and Twitter have survey functions built into the application.

Write a Thoughtful App Description

App descriptions are how prospective clients get to know you. New clients are not the only ones who read your descriptions.

Investors browse through app descriptions when choosing projects. Why does attracting investors matter?

Powerful app investors can have connections to Apple’s editorial team. Impressing an investor can help your business app get features in the Apple App Store. Make your app description accessible to a variety of readers. App accessibility has become increasingly important.

Apple is working on improving its accessibility. Most apps have not prioritized accessibility. Catering to differently-abled communities can help your app stand out. Mention your accessibility in your app description. This makes it easier for concerned users to understand your approach.

Be sure to list as much as you can in your app description. List the most exciting aspects of your app first. The key is to make your app description skimmable.

Create an Attractive App Icon

An attractive app icon stimulates the senses. Our brains are naturally attracted to bold colors and crisp lines.

What is the design of your app inspired by? Focusing on a few core design elements can make your app icon shine.

The color palette of your app is one of the most important features. Color psychology refers to how our brain processes color. 

For example, the color red resembles power and strength. Blue represents consistency and fluidity.

A color palette reflects the objective of your app. Choose your color palette wisely. An app with an attractive icon can quickly become featured in the Apple App Store.

Choose an App Category

Determining the category that your app belongs to is crucial. Did you know that business apps can fall into a variety of categories? For example, a business app about a fitness franchise can be categorized in that area. Another popular example is a business app about food.

Many delivery apps pair drivers and clients together via their restaurant’s business app. Uber is classified as a ridesharing app. Does that mean Uber is not a business? Apps like Uber are featured constantly under the popular app category. Your app could be there one day as well!

Your app can be featured under your category to choose wisely. Is your app free? You may face higher competition! If your app offers paid services then Apple will automatically feature them under your app’s description. There are multiple opportunities for your business app to be featured in the Apple App Store.

Share Your App’s Story

Connect to your target audience through emotional storytelling. Sharing your app’s story is a great way to get your business features in the Apple App Store. Does your app have a great origin story? Share it with the world! It is a good idea to put the long version on your company’s website.

Share a short version of your origin story under your app’s description. If your app doesn’t have an exciting story that is okay. Share what excites you about your app. Share testimonials about what excites your target audience as well.

Utilize a Marketing Strategy

When in doubt, deploy a marketing strategy. Your end goal is to get your business app featured in the Apple App Store. Work your back to square one to create the ultimate marketing strategy. What will your next step be? How will you define yourself amongst millions of apps?

Keep a close eye on the apps that become featured. Do you notice any similarities between them?

Understanding why apps become featured can help you create the perfect strategy. Do you notice a pattern in Apple’s selection process? Apple has a tendency to feature different apps every day so always be prepared! Make sure your app is constantly being updated.

Familiarize Yourself With Apple Guidelines 

Unlike other marketplaces, the Apple App Store has strict guidelines. It is unlikely that they would feature an app that does not meet their requirements.

Familiarize yourself with the Apple App Store guidelines. This will make it easier for your business app to become featured in the Apple App Store. Does your app need editing?

How to Submit to the Apple App Store

Apple accepts open submissions via their email. However, you must ensure that your app is ready. The process takes over a month so you want to get it right. Submitting your app to be featured does not have to be stressful.

Continuously updating your app can ensure that there are no bugs or errors. Once your app is submitted, it can take six to eight weeks for a response. Use that time to work out any kinks your app may still have. Once your app becomes featured, millions of new users will see it.

Your app will be exposed to brand-new audiences all over the world. Make sure their first impression is a lasting one!

Showcase the Utility of Your App

Showcase the importance of your business app. How can your app enrich the lives of your audience members? Optimize app localizations so that it attracts the right clients. The app store product page should mention who the app is meant for.

Users will appreciate that you mention the utility of your app upfront. Make it easier for customers to understand how your app will change their life. The Apple App Store editorial team will also read about your app’s utilities. Make them want to download it for themselves!

What Are Your App’s Special Features?

What is special about your app? What can only your app provide customers with? Answering these questions will get your business app featured in the Apple App Store.

To answer these questions you will have to consider what differentiates your app. Special features should be promoted regardless of current trends.

Tech trends come and go but solutions always evolve. What solutions do your apps provide your audience? Tech innovations can evolve your special features. The core of those features, however, should always stay the same.

Enjoy brainstorming about your app’s special features. Consider adding some new ones to your next app update.

Optimize Your App Store SEO

Did you know that the Apple App Store can be SEO optimized? Any searchable marketplace can take advantage of SEO. SEO, or search engine optimization, is a powerful tech tool. SEO refers to the way your app will be discovered by new clients.

SEO can be integrated into the foundation of your app. SEO can also be integrated into your app description. SEO is based on a set of keywords. SEO keywords are words or phrases that customers are likely to search for.

Predicting what a customer will type in to find you is how you optimize your app. What would a new customer type in to find an app like yours? Answering this question will help you determine your SEO keywords. Enjoy searching possible keywords in the Apple App Store search bar.

Let Your Audience Know Your Plan

Share your plan with your target audience. Their support can help get your business app features in the Apple App Store.

Notable fans of your app can leave glowing reviews and testimonials. Their words can help increase your chances of being featured.

Consider a Usability Evaluation

A usability evaluation tests the responsiveness of your app. Your app must be responsive before you apply for an Apple App Store feature. An unresponsive app can lag and be prone to errors. Avoid these mistakes by evaluating your app’s usability. 

Usability evaluations can be completed in clinical settings. However, there are online resources at your disposal as well. Be sure to test how easy it is to use your app. Also, test user satisfaction and engagement levels.

Make It Easy to Become Featured

How do you get your business app featured in the Apple App Store? Make it easy to feature your app! Manifesting an Apple App Store feature doesn’t have to be stressful. Emulate apps that have already been featured.

You can also promote your app in other marketplaces and magazines. Apps with glowing reviews naturally attract more positive publicity. It will take time and patience to achieve multiple Apple App Store features. But a successfully marketed business application can achieve this goal.

Reach Out for Support

If all of your strategies are failing then reach out for support. Open your app up to the support of your target demographic. Open your app up to the support of your team and fellow app developers. Apple will also be open the supporting your app.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help during this challenging process. Avoid making mistakes by being open to support along the way. It’s a good idea to contact your fellow app developers with any questions you may have. Listen carefully to those with apps that have already been featured.

Contact Apple With Feature Submission

Apple is available for open submissions whenever you are ready. Contact them plenty of time in advance to ensure that you meet all of the requirements. If you are worried about the submission process then contact them even earlier. You can submit your app to be featured multiple times.

Make sure not to annoy them by over-submitting your feature request. Consider submitting after your app has experienced significant changes. Make sure that you correspond with Apple in a professional tone. Let them how serious you are about getting your business app featured in the Apple App Store.

Ready to Be Featured in the Apple App Store?

Do you feel like your business app is ready to be featured in the Apple App Store? If you have any questions about the process, contact us with your project details.

We are a digital transformation agency. We specialize in app design and development. Our team can’t wait to help your app get featured in the Apple App Store. Good luck!


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Delivering mobile applications that meet market demands and provide a great user experience is what we do for our clients

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