Creating a responsive website from scratch requires a lot of skill and patience. It’s also unnecessary, thanks to Bootstrap.
Since its first launch in 2011, Bootstrap’s market share consists of 17% of all websites.
Bootstrap has quickly established itself as one of the most popular frameworks used for creating responsive websites and web applications.
Are you ready to leave behind the hassle of having to write a lot of code? Are you pumped to learn more about this time-saving and straightforward approach to creating a mobile-first website?
We’re excited to tell you all about it!
Here is our ultimate guide to Bootstrap for beginners.
Bootstrap Development: The Beginning
Bootstrap was first launched by members of Twitter’s development team, Jacob Thornton and Mark Otto. Originally named Twitter Blueprint in its earliest stages, its purpose was to create a consistent and low-maintenance internal tool development process.
Within a short amount of time, its developers realized sharing and documenting standard design patterns and assets within the organization could be developed into a toolkit for anyone to use.
What Is Bootstrap Framework
Bootstrap is a powerful open-source front-end web development framework. Its pre-built themes contain HTML and CSS-based design templates. In addition to being compatible across all modern browsers, its responsive mobile-first style framework also adjusts to tablets and desktops.
Bootstrap for Beginners: How to Use Bootstrap
There are several ways to get started with Bootstrap. If you’re interested in learning how to use it, there are numerous tutorials available online. Specific instructions on how to download and host bootstrap can be found on the Bootstrap website.
Here are the ways to get Bootstrap set up and running.
How to Download Bootstrap
If you want to use Bootstrap offline, you can download the files directly. Once downloaded, you can add the files to your folders and link to the local versions.
Some more advanced options involve downloading the entire source code. If your project requires extensive customization, you can download and create an individual version of Bootstrap.
Bootstrap CDN
What if you don’t need to download and host Bootstrap? There is a much easier way to get started with Bootstrap.
If your project only requires JavaScript or complied CSS, you can use the CDN link provided by Bootstrap. The Content Delivery Network (CDN) link means the file is hosted by Bootstrap.
One of the critical advantages of not having to self-host results in faster page load times, which can have a significant impact on your business.
Development and Design Benefits of Using Bootstrap
What makes Bootstrap such a popular choice among front-end web developers?
- It’s free to use.
- Its easy-to-learn framework allows both designers and developers to build responsive websites and web applications quickly.
- You don’t have to be an expert in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to learn Bootstrap.
- With the use of Bootstrap’s templates, you can create a working layout through their site in a short amount of time. They have quite a few basic templates available.
Let’s take a close look at some of the features focusing on what Bootstrap is used for in achieving your particular web design and development goals.
Responsive Grid
Bootstrap’s grid system consists of columns and rows grouped inside a container or set of containers. The maximum number of columns allowed across the page is 12.
The columns can be used individually, or they can be grouped to create wider columns. Due to the responsive grid system, the columns are automatically re-arranged to fit the size of the screen.
As long as you operate within those constraints, how you use them is up to you.
Pre-Built Themes
Are you looking for some ideas about how to develop a responsive website?
There are pre-built themes and templates with customizable functions and features. Take advantage of them, especially if you’re looking to kick-start your project.
Although it’s a great way to get started, you are somewhat limited to the features within the theme.
Fully Customizable with Seamless Integration
Websites contain a variety of different elements. Depending on what your project requires, you can benefit from Bootstrap’s comprehensive list of components.
- HTML elements have been styled and further improved in Bootstrap.
- You can add or remove certain CSS files and components.
- If you’re familiar with LESS, it can certainly speed up the customization process.
- Additional components, such as drop-down menus, are made interactive through bundled JavaScript plugins.
Adding new Bootstrap components to your existing CSS is also easy.
Out-of-the-box components such as alerts, dropdowns, navbars, and more can be easily integrated with separate frameworks and platforms, as well as new and existing websites.
If you’re not exactly sure which files to use, Bootstrap hosts a library of docs to guide you in the process.
Cross-Browser Compatibility
Bootstrap is updated regularly and designed to be compatible with the latest mobile and desktop browsers. While there may be rendering issues involving out-of-date browsers, cross-browser issues are significantly minimized in Bootstrap.
Strong Support Community
Overall, the Bootstrap website is a great starting place for beginners. Their website provides great documentation. There are also classes to help you learn how to develop a responsive website.
Bootstrap also boasts a large and helpful support community. If you run into any problems, you can rest assured your questions won’t remain unanswered.
Bootstrap for Beginners vs. Creating a Custom Solution
Creating a responsive mobile-first website doesn’t have to be hard. Taking advantage of Bootstrap for beginners is guaranteed to speed up the development and design process. Keep in mind the various factors you need to take into consideration.
Depending on your project’s scope, it might be more advantageous to seek out additional web development assistance.If your project requires a custom solution, check out our process. We can help guide you in creating a custom solution designed to meet your business’s unique goals.