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10 of the Best Frontend Frameworks

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When it comes to frontend frameworks, there is a whole range to choose from. We take a look at 10 of the very best that you should be using.

When it comes to frontend frameworks, there is a whole range to choose from. We take a look at 10 of the very best that you should be using.

Javascript frontend frameworks still make up nearly three-fourths of all website libraries online. A good framework will have high usability, flexibility, and modular components. There is no perfect front end; each will have shortcomings and strengths based on the type of client needs.

If you’re still searching for the best front-end framework for your website, there are plenty of great options these days. We can comfortably recommend at least ten that you should try out. Let’s jump right into our list.

1. Bootstrap

Every year Bootstrap gets better, which is why it is the undisputed number HTML, CSS, and JS library in the world. Eighteen percent of all websites are using Bootstrap. There are over 420 front-end themes on WordPress alone.

Is Bootstrap for everyone? Probably not, but it does have advantages from being the most popular. You’ll get the largest concentration of community resources, tutorials, extensions, and support. Its popularity offers some security, especially for amateur web developers.

2. Ruby on Rails

Another frontend framework that is gaining a considerable following is Rails. This nifty little framework is what you see on Airbnb and Shopify. As you can see, it’s one powerful framework, especially for beginners looking to achieve great website parity.

Ruby on Rails is fast, efficient, and easy to learn. The community rivals Bootstrap’s, especially when you consider how much smaller the development team is. The best part of Rails is the fact that it’s easy to learn and difficult to master. Some may view this as a con, but it’s a testament to its power.

3. Foundation by ZURB

If you’re looking for an enterprise-level frontend that is associated with big names like eBay, Facebook, and Yahoo! then Foundation leads the pack. Its refined mobile and responsive design make it ideal for companies that need something future-proof.

The biggest con that stands out for Foundation is its difficulty in coding for and needs a lot of code to get to a workable state.

4. Semantic UI

Let’s talk about semantics for a second here. The whole idea around this front end is to make things very intuitive and organized. Semantic UI sets out to make an interface that feels practical and code more legible.

Frontend frameworks need to make the building process easier, but they shouldn’t come at the expense of written code. That’s why we love Semantic UI.

5. Backbone

The middle of the pack belongs to Backbone, a lightweight frontend that specializes in simplicity. It comes with only one dependency, Underscore.js, which provides the basic templates that Backbone builds from.

Since the Backbone takes up so little space, it tends to scale better and perform better. The downside is the amount of customizing is going to be limited. It’s not a full-featured front like other frameworks on our list.

6. Express

You’ll probably want to keep an eye on Express; it’s picking up in adoption rates. Uber and IBM websites are good examples of what Express is capable of. That includes being fast, functional, and streamlined.

You can think of express as the next big thing for large enterprises. We fully expect it to ride up the rankings and appear in the top three in the next few years. The reason why it isn’t already there is that of a wide range of options with multiple pathways. Express can be both a backend and frontend framework.

7. Ember

This is one deceptively-simple framework. Ember is used in Netflix, Google, and iTunes applications. The potential for creativity is high with all the tools and features right out of the box. Ember is all about cutting out the fluff and making development more productive.

It takes the best standards of Javascript, web components, and ES6 syntax and mixes them. You can use it just for web development, or you can develop a full-fledged app on mobile or desktop.

8. Django

Another Model-View-Template framework on the list, Django, utilizes the strength of Python. This makes it easier for back-end developers to transition to front-end development. There are no stumbling blocks of Javascript to hold you back.

Other notable perks of Django are built-in authentication and messaging features, making it ideal for secure business-to-business sites. We would go as far as to say that Django is the most ideal front for highly-secure websites.

Regardless of which frontend your website uses, make sure you hire a frontend developer who will maintain and keep security up-to-date.

9. Laravel

Laravel is an MVC system that is based on PHP, the most renowned script on the web. It’s one of the newer frontends that made our list.

Laravel accompanies API out of the gate, and it likewise has plenty of tools that could expand its scope. Video libraries and streaming services work great on PHP. Laravel and frontend innovations in the Laravel biological community are a great bed of experimentation. As far as execution, nonetheless, Laravel doesn’t measure up to Django or Express, which may be a disadvantage for larger enterprises.

10. Vue

Vue.js is the new rising star; it began as an individual venture and rapidly developed into a standout amongst the most slanting JS systems out there. There are many cool things about Vue, starting with its dynamic nature. This means that if you have an established website, you can use Vue for one segment of the venture, and everything would work fine and dandy.

Second, it offers advanced engineering to play, and the Vue community can assist you in creating custom front-end applications. A few people are careful about utilizing Vue since it’s not upheld by a major organization like Microsoft or Intel, but it’s only a matter of time before Vue gets its notoriety.

Choosing the Best Frontend Frameworks

With all these choices, you may feel a bit of hesitation. Should I choose a popular front or one that ticks the most boxes for your current project? Learning and investing time into frontend frameworks, no matter the popularity is a net positive.Just play around with a few of them, and you’ll see that there are a lot of carryovers and shared skills. Many of the biggest companies use multiple frontends for various purposes. If you need help to maximize your potential and realize all your ideas, contact us today.


Frontend Team

With technology, we make things easy, fast, and appealing for the end user, increasing the engagement rate of a product

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