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How to Analyze User Feedback

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Data is only as valuable as how you use it. You can learn how to analyze user feedback effectively and efficiently to keep improving by clicking here.

Did you know that a majority of Americans engage with mobile apps daily? Constant engagement creates numerous data streams for every app to utilize. 

Curious about what data analytics can offer your app, website, or brand? Read our guide on how to understand and analyze user feedback!

Organize Your Data

Interactive tech generates mountains of data. All data has useful information if analyzed correctly.

Thoughtful organization of your data can help you filter through the information. If you don’t organize your data then you can become easily overwhelmed.

There are many modes of data organization. Here are a few ways to begin organizing your digital data:

  • Sign up for data analytics
  • Display your data
  • Hire a professional data analyzer
  • Schedule your data analysis
  • Assign a team to data analysis

You will get more information on each of these strategies below. The important part is to gauge which data organization strategy is right for you.

What Are Data Analytics?

Data analytics refers to a systematically organized version of your application’s raw data. Data analytics are a large part of the tech industry.

Various tech service providers will share data analytics with you for a small fee. For example, your website host collects information about your website traffic.

By paying a small fee you can have access to their raw data about your website. Data analytics are valuable sources of information.

Discovering and organizing your application’s feedback does not have to be confusing. You will discover the right data analytic system over time.

Data Analytics Systems

Data analytics systems refer to the cultivation of user feedback. User feedback is the core of data analytics systems.

Without user feedback your app there would be no data to organize! User feedback data can be cultivated in many ways.

You have, most likely, been a part of customer feedback analysis before. Small businesses and large corporations value user experience feedback.

You can systematically gather feedback from users by integrating feedback systems into your app.

Graphic Data Analytics

Once you obtain your raw data and user feedback analytics it’s time to make your data engaging! Create engaging data analytics by getting creative.

Graphic designers can be challenged with this task. There is an infinite number of ways to display your user feedback data.

The most common way to present data analytics is through the use of infographics. Infographics are informative designs that are products of raw data.

Before you create an infographic you must organize your data for an artist to understand it with absolute clarity. Does this sound overwhelming? A professional data analyzer may be able to help.

Professional Data Analyzers

Data analysis is not everyone’s strength. If you resonate with this weakness then consider hiring a professional data analyzer.

Professional statisticians can transform raw data into a series of readable patterns. Raw data holds patterns and trends within its numbers.

The Propper organization of data will begin to tell a story. Every tap your customer makes while using your application is a piece of data. What will your app’s story be?

Hiring a professional data analyzer is worth the cost when useable data is the result. However, you may already have a team of professionals at your disposal.

Assign a Team to Analyze Your Data

If you are the proud creator of a large-scale application then perhaps a team of analyzers is what you need. 

If hiring a professional data analyzer is not in the budget then consider assigning a team to analyze your data.

Collecting user feedback can be passively achieved. Thoughtfully analyzing data takes a human touch.

Bringing different individuals together can make sure that the data is used to its fullest potential. Combine someone from marketing, design, and IT to make sure all of your bases are covered.

Be Mindful of Supply and Demand

Now that you understand what data analysis is all about, there are a few things to keep in mind. Raw data means nothing if put into context.

The context of when your data was collected is important to consider. For example, 2020 was host to unique situations.

Some apps like Zoom skyrocketed in popularity while other apps suffered lows. The market experienced a shock of supply and demand. 

Stores were running out of stock and demand was all over the place. This is an abnormal event. If your data reflect this then don’t assume that this trend is the new normal.

Creating a Better User Experience

What is the purpose of collecting and analyzing data? There are many reasons why it’s a good idea to analyze user feedback.

Data analysis can help you predict the market and make your next move. It can also create a better user experience. 

Creating a better user experience should always be the end goal of data analytics. An engaging user experience motivates your employees. 

An engaging user experience also encourages customers to visit your app often. Customers will also be more likely to share your app with their peers.

Is All User Feedback Relevant?

Mountains of data don’t mean that all of the data is relevant. Skewed data should be disregarded at a certain point.

Some users will provide feedback that cannot be addressed. Propper data organization can help your team avoid wasting time.

If you fall prey to AI analysis then your AI may fail to realize what feedback is irrelevant. If you aren’t sure about the relevance of your data then consult a team member.

What Does Relevant User Feedback Look Like?

Relevant user feedback comes in many forms. User experience feedback can look like customer testimonials and reviews.

Feedback like this is considered to be long-form customer data. Short-form user feedback appears in the form of likes and subscriptions.

User comments are invaluable resources. They offer a direct line of communication from the user. Remember, irrelevant comments are not important.

When you analyze user feedback, you must balance long and short-form data. This is the key to a harmonious data set with limitless potential!

Achieving a Balanced Survey

Achieving harmony in your data analysis does not have to be confusing either. Analyze user feedback with a sense of balance. Here are some ways you can achieve a balanced survey:

  • Source user feedback from multiple areas
  • Analyze user-generated content (UGC)
  • Keep current events in mind
  • Attract a diverse audience
  • Focus on your target demographic

Chances are that your app attracts a group of like-minded people. Focusing on your niche is a great idea. However, don’t be afraid to expose your app to criticism from outside communities as well.

Collecting as many opinions as possible can help evolve your application to the next level! Remember, sometimes it is good to get outside of your comfort zone.

Sourcing Your User Feedback

Nowadays user feedback can be sourced from anywhere on the internet. However, sourcing user feedback should not be taken for granted.

Different digital spaces have become hosts for reliable feedback. Social media sites are a popular option.

Social media sites like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter allow users to share direct responses with you.

Social media responses can be prompted or randomly given. If you need quick data then you can easily share a survey on social media.

You can also prompt users to share feedback about your app directly through the application. However, prompting users to share their thoughts via the marketplace can encourage other users to download your app!

UGC: User-Generated Content

After your app experiences successive successes, users will begin generating content for you! Content created by users is referred to as user-generated content or UGC.

UGC is free content that features your app or brand. While collecting user feedback, your team may run across some UGC.

It is customary to share or repost creative UGC out of appreciation. Reposting UGC is also an extra layer of publicity for your brand, app, or website.

Analyzing UGC can help your team understand what aspects of your app have become popular in the minds of your fans. UGC is a great source of data that is ready for you to analyze.

Analyze Your Target Audience

Your target audience refers to the group of people that your app attracts. It is your job to cater your app to their needs.

Analyzing user feedback involves ensuring that the needs of your target audience are being met.

Every individual customer represents a node of data. Understanding your niche can help you see what sets of data should take precedence.

Your target audience is the bulk of your user feedback data. It is also a good idea to understand that loyal customers can provide a biased review since they love your brand!

Also, keep in mind that your target audience will slowly change over time. Stay flexible as you navigate through your data. Flexibility is the key to a great data-driven marketing plan!

Focus on the Purpose of Your Application

Remembering the purpose of your app can help you stay focused as you analyze user feedback.

It can be easy to get lost in mountains of data. Staying focused on the purpose of your app can lead to profitable data analysis. If you lose sight of your original vision then pay special attention to the feedback of long-time customers.

If you are researching ways you can spice things up then prompt new users to tell you what they would like to see.

Always Consider Current Events

Current events can create powerful shifts in the market. Random and unusual events like a pandemic are usually outliers.

Data collected from unusual times can help you create a new game plan for future outlier events. However, trends and current events should not be the focus of your data analysis.

A well-rounded set of data analytics is composed of many factors. Here are a few factors to keep in mind as you begin analyzing your data:

  • The age of your target audience
  • The date of the data
  • Recent political events
  • Natural disasters
  • Changes to your industry
  • Updates in technology

Keeping these factors in mind can help you stay on top of current events as you analyze user feedback!

Evolving With User Feedback Analytics

A completed data set should result in an approachable marketing strategy. Every set of analytics should result in the evolution of your app, website, or brand.

Your application depends on user feedback data to grow to its fullest potential. If you want to see how far your app can expand then user feedback analytics should be a top priority. 

Share Data Analysis With Your Audience

Sharing data analysis with your audience is also great publicity. Show off your chart-topping applications with your target audience.

Prove to the world how successful your brand has become. Those who doubt your success will be shocked by your proof!

Sharing your data analysis on social media provides your brand with another opportunity to curate user feedback as well.

Every interaction you and your clients have is an opportunity to learn something new about your application. What will customer feedback analysis teach you next?

Are You Ready to Analyze User Feedback?

Now you are updated on the latest data analytics techniques. Are you ready to analyze user feedback?

If you still have questions or concerns about app analytics, we are here to help! We are a digital transformation agency that specializes in app development.

Contact us by telling us about your project so that we can point you in the right direction, good luck!


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